Holmes CRM: Customer management

in CRM

This video shows how to create and search accounts in Holmes CRM.

Accounts are billable entities, so they have a Tax Id, billing address, etc.

Sites are physical locations (offices, residences) where goods or services are delivered, contacts are located, etc. An account may have a number of associated sites.

Contacts are persons associated to a site, normally members of the customer organization, be it a business or a family.

In this video, we show how to create a new account, and how to find it later on.


Accounts can be linked to parent accounts, to represent hiearchical accounts.

Interactions are used to manage interactions with customers, such as telephone calls. Interactions can be linked directly to accounts, or to contacts, depending on business needs.

Cases are used to manage work to be done behind the scenes, normally following a customer interaction.

This is what we call "backoffice". Eventually, different teams that do not talk directly with customers, are involved in resolving issues or fulfilling customer requests, such as engineers, billing clerks, legal (god forbid!)...


So we define Queues and WIP bins to organize the work. By dispatching the cases to queues, we can organize the work effectively, as someone (and only one) who is assigned to that queue, will take care of it. When the work is done, the case will be in our team's queue.

We can see a variety of other documents related to accounts, such as invoices, meetings, purchased products, etc.

But if that's not enough, accounts support attachments, so we can attach any media (audio, video, docs, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.) to the account records.